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  1935年11月,在与日军作战中,赵一曼为掩护部队腿部负伤后在昏迷中被俘。日军为了从赵一曼口中获取 情报,找了一名军医对其腿伤进行 简单治疗 ,连夜审讯 ,日本人动用酷刑,她没有吐露任何信息。赵一曼忍着伤痛怒斥日军侵略中国罪行。日军见她不屈服,对她使用酷刑,她表现出了一个中国人保卫民族的决心,坚贞不屈说:“我的目的,我的主义,我的信念,就是抗日。”没说出一字有关抗联的情况。

  In November 1935, during the battle with the Japanese army, Zhao Yiman was captured in a coma after being wounded in the leg of the cover troops. In order to obtain information from Zhao Yiman, the Japanese army found a military doctor to treat her leg injury briefly, interrogated overnight, and the Japanese used torture. She did not reveal any information. Zhao Yiman endured his injuries and angrily denounced the Japanese army's crime of aggression against China. Seeing that the Japanese army did not give in and tortured her, she showed the determination of a Chinese to defend the nation. She was unyielding and said: "My purpose, my doctrine, and my belief are to resist Japan." Did not say a word about the situation of the Anti-Japanese Federation.



指导教师:王   越



审核:卢  礞


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