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The unexpected arrival of a once-in-a-century outbreak has tested our resolve and motivation to respond to risks and challenges. In the face of the extremely serious situation of the epidemic, you have shouldered the responsibility, set an example and shouldered the burden. You have vividly demonstrated the dedication and character of a medical worker with your own actions.

Before the epidemic, you are enterprising "doers". There is no need to use more words to describe the hard work of epidemic prevention and control. In order to better devote yourself to the work, you can only abandon your home and take care of everyone. Some are parents of two children or children of elderly parents; There are a lot of post-00s or parents of the palm of the treasure, but also regardless of parents' opposition, are the first to play. Due to the particularity of work, we can't give them good care and accompany. The spirit of taking the overall situation as the priority, diligent efforts, serious and rigorous work, and meticulous work is worth praising by everyone.

In front of the epidemic, you are the most lovely people. You have fulfilled your promise to nightingale with the love of life; Your gentle words inspired us to conquer the disease. Hurried footsteps, busy figure, sweet smile, warm heart. You wear heavy protective clothing, you can't see your faces, but you can feel your enthusiasm. You have selflessly given your life and bravely resisted the virus. Your footprints will be remembered in the long river of history and passed down from generation to generation. We are singing for you.              

 一场百年不遇的重大疫情不期而至,考验 着我们应对风险挑战的决断力和行动力。面对异常严重的疫情形势,你们扛责在肩,以身作则,勇挑重担,用自己的实际行动生动形象的诠释了一名医护人员的奉献精神和本色。

疫情面前,你们是锐意进取的“实干者” 。疫情防控工作之辛苦不用再用更多的言语来形容,你们为了能更好的投入到工作,只能舍小家,顾大家。有些人已经是两个孩子的父母亦是年迈父母的儿女;有很多00后还是父母的掌中宝,但也不顾父母的反对,都是先斩后奏。由于工作的特殊性,没办法给他们很好的关心照顾和陪伴,这种以大局为重,勤勉努力,认真严谨,踏实工作,一丝不苟的精神值得我们每一个人歌颂。



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